Gender Studies





Program Options

Area of Concentration, Joint Concentration

Notice: On August 10, 2023, 网赌平台网站董事会投票指示校方采取必要和适当的措施终止性别研究项目, beginning with the 2024 enrollees.

About the Gender Studies Program

Gender Studies, 自1995年起被网赌平台网站认可为跨学科学术课程, 利用赌城平台网站内外的课程,向学生介绍“性别”这一复杂的焦点问题,并支持学生和教师在这一动态领域的研究. Our program is defined broadly and encompasses other related fields including Women’s and Feminist Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Queer and Trans Studies; and Masculinity Studies; it also intersects with interdisciplinary fields including Cultural, Ethnic, and Africana Studies.

我们的项目由一群专注的核心教师组成, 以及30多个人文学科的附属学院, Social and Natural Sciences, 他们都支持学生在课堂和辅导课上进行性别研究. 我们董事的网赌平台网站, Program Advisor, Office Manager, 以及性别研究指导委员会, 以及我们附属学院的花名册, can be found below. 每学期我们提供20多个课程的花名册, 包括性别研究中专门列出的课程, 以及交叉列表和性别研究资格课程. 请参阅下面的列表,以获取定期提供的课程样本和具有代表性的高级项目名称. 

AOC的学生还完成了实习,这使他们能够探索毕业生的职业道路. Local internships are available with organizations including SPARCC (Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center); Women’s Resource Center; Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida; ALSO Youth; and Family Law Connection. 其他人则在州外寻找机会, whether during the summer or ISP, 或者作为留学项目的一部分. The Center for Career Engagement and Opportunity (CEO)帮助学生识别、申请并顺利完成实习.

性别研究是赌城平台网站生活的一个活跃部分,包括 Pride Living Learning Community, Feminist Fridays discussion group, and Queery student group. 对所有性别学生的支持可以在这个指南中找到 性别认同确认信息 at New College.

在Twitter上查找性别研究项目的最新新闻和事件 @NCFGSP!

“我在网赌平台网站的性别研究项目中获得的指导帮助我在政治组织领域取得了成功. 如果没有我在这个项目中学到的技能,我的人生将会完全不同(也不会那么令人兴奋)!) trajectory.”

Lauren Brenzel, ’13
Gender Studies AOC

Recent courses

  • Masculinities
  • 一个女人如何成为一个湖和其他非英雄行为:性别和类型弯曲的工艺研讨会
  • Positive Psychology
  • 酷儿历史:20世纪美国的性行为
  • Queer Studies
  • Race, Gender and Sexuality
  • 复辟与18世纪英国戏剧:政治变革的舞台
  • Sex, Gender, Mind and Brain
  • Social Epidemiology
  • Sociology of Gender and the Body
  • Topics in Feminist Philosophy
  • 非洲女性写作:女性主义真相,女性主义小说

Recent Theses

  • 日常行动主义:自我关怀的变革实践, Cultivating Relationships, 和集体护理(性别研究)
  • 旺盛的内脏(艺术/性别研究)
  • 多产的母亲和永恒的自我牺牲:法西斯德国和意大利二战宣传中的女性表现(历史与性别研究)
  • 轮到你扮演角色了:《赌城平台网站》中的酷儿世界(性别研究/戏剧), Dance, and Performance Studies)
  • 弗拉门戈表演中性别角色概念之间的关系:弗拉门戈文化如何定义这些角色? (Music/Gender Studies)
  • The Forest, the Fire, 和观看它的目击者:Mitski Miyawaki对性别的身体和音乐体现, Asian American Identity, and Autonomy (Gender Studies)
  • “Queer is the Best Word For It”:探索“酷儿”身份的偏好与互动过程(社会学与性别研究)
  • 农村发展的女权主义视野:寻找地方福祉和全球可持续性的方法(性别研究和西班牙语言文学)
  • 性少数女性的性别表达, Connection to the LGBTQ+ Community, 及自尊(心理学/性别研究)

Potential Career Pathways

  • Human Resources
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Medicine
  • Social Work
  • Community Relations and Organizing
  • Education
  • Writing and Journalism
  • 非营利管理与国际非政府组织
  • Law

Contact Us

Gender Studies Program

Phone Number

Email Address


Palmer C 215


Contact Us

Dr. Amy Reid


Director of Gender Studies

Phone Number

Email Address


Ace 212


Ace 116

Area of Concentration

Gender Studies Faculty

Dr. Carrie Beneš

Professor of History

Chart Your Course Director

Dr. Katherine Brion


Dr. Magdalena Carrasco

Professor of Art History

Dr. Kathleen Casto

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Dr. Maribeth Clark

Professor of Music

Chair, Division of Humanities

Dr. Catherine Cottrell

Associate Professor of Psychology

Erin Dean

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Dr. Aron Edidin

Professor of Philosophy

Dr. Kristopher Fennie

Associate Professor of Epidemiology


Dr. April Flakne

Professor of Philosophy

Sandra Gilchrist

Professor of Biology & Marine Science

Natural Sciences Division Chair

Dr. Steven Graham

Associate Professor of Psychology

David Harvey


Sarah Hernandez

Associate Professor of Sociology & 加勒比和拉丁美洲研究


Barbara Hicks

Social Science Division Chair

Professor of Political Science

Dr. Sonia Labrador-Rodriguez


Dr. Elizabeth C. Leininger

Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Fang-yu Li


Dr. Nova Myhill

英语和戏剧、舞蹈教授 & Performance Studies

Dr. Christopher Noble

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Dr. Amy Reid


Director of Gender Studies

Dr. Jack Reilly


Xia Shi

Associate Professor of History


Dr. Wendy Sutherland

Professor of German & Black European and Diaspora Studies

Dr. Alina Wyman


Dr. Jessica Young


Faculty Steward of the Dr. Helen N. 费金关于大屠杀、种族灭绝和人权的合集

Dr. Queen Zabriskie


MacArthur Professorship 2019-2022

Dr. Jing Zhang


International & Area Studies Director