早开始导致成功! Career success takes time, so undergraduate students are expected to complete the steps of the 诺和职业优势, 网赌平台网站的职业规划. The 诺和职业优势 helps prioritize your professional development in easy steps integrated throughout your entire academic experience.


Meet Your Career Coach, take the 重点2职业评估, and explore What you can do with an AOC. 开始 on your career path to the future of your dreams.

职业生涯资源 & 项目


实习 give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths.

奖学金 & 资金

Learn more about the prestigious global scholarships, 奖学金, and funding opportunities available to New College students.


Explore the wide diversity of career paths you can pursue with any Area of Concentration (AOC) from New College.


对读研感兴趣? 了解CEO在这里提供帮助的方式.


Join the New College 指导 Network to connect with professionals ready to give you career advice and support. 升学二年级学生? 申请Novo网络导师计划.


Our 常驻专业人员 program is unique to New College connecting you with seasoned professionals committed to your success!


获得领导任何职业所需的技能! Learn more about this program taught by industry experts.


Don’t stress about what to wear to your job or internship interview. The CEO 职业生涯衣橱 has professional attire available for you.


请加入我们 握手, our recruiting platform that connects recruiters with New College job and internship seekers. Access 握手 by signing into MyNCF and clicking on the 握手 tile.

初次握手? 开始 在这里.

Focus 2职业评估 is an intuitive career guidance system that helps students to explore Areas of Concentration (AOC) and careers that connect to their work interests, 值, 个性, 技能, 休闲兴趣.

2023职业资源指南 -包括简历资源, CVs, 求职信, 面试, 研究生院, 工作/实习搜索, LinkedIn, 工作机会评估, 工资谈判, 和更多的.

职业规划资源在画布 -在画布链接在我的ncf, your career coach has enrolled you in a course with a ton of career planning and exploration resources.

2023职业资源指南 -包括简历资源, CVs, 求职信, 面试, 研究生院, 工作/实习搜索, LinkedIn, 工作机会评估, 工资谈判, 和更多的.

模型简历谷歌文档模板 – Create a copy  and edit this resume template for a polished and well-formatted resume appropriate for most industries

Computer Science/Tech Fields Resume Google Doc Template – This resume template is appropriate for software engineering, 数据科学, 以及其他技术领域. 创建副本并使用您的信息进行编辑.

LinkedIn学习 is an award-winning industry leader in online training, 拥有6个以上的数字图书馆,000门课程,涵盖广泛的技术领域, 业务, 软件和创意主题. 可从您的桌面或移动设备全天候访问, 访问LinkedIn学习 myNCF门户. You may watch an entire course, or individual videos – some are as short as four or five minutes. You will be able to bookmark courses that suit your interests, 记下你学过的课程, 当你完成一门课程, 您将收到一张证书. You have the opportunity to refine or develop your professional 技能, 学习新软件, and explore other areas as you plan for your career growth.


在大多数情况下, you will not need a GPA to pursue a graduate or professional school program. New College is not the only school nationally that uses narrative evaluations as a grading system. New College grads have successfully been admitted to medical, 法律, 研究生院, 获得著名奖学金, 以及在各个行业追求的职业生涯. Employers 研究生院s have told us that New College students are often more prepared because narrative evaluations force you to reflect on your learning and you can better articulate your strengths and areas for growth than if you only had a letter grade.

取决于你追求的是什么, not having a GPA might be a factor in the application process that you and your career coach need to navigate through strategically, but it’s unlikely to stop you from reaching your goals. The CEO can help you navigate through GPA requirements.


Step 1: Some programs may need to better understand NCF’s grading system. All applicants should request that the program waives the GPA requirement and include the 教务长信- NCF评分系统说明 with application materials to ensure a comprehensive understanding of our unique educational program.

2 .偶尔, a program will not grant a waiver of the GPA requirement and will require a GPA, 达到特定GPA门槛的证明, 或者对GPA的估计. In those unique situations, you should complete the GPA代理申请表格, in which case the Provost’s Office will review your request and can provide a letter with an estimation of a GPA. 为了提供一个估计的GPA, you must provide sufficient supporting documentation that indicates the need for GPA in connection with a specific opportunity. Questions about this process should be directed to the CEO.


Our 在进行职前培训计划 are designed for students to continue their studies in their chosen Area of Concentration while developing additional 技能 and experiences that further prepare them to stand out as applicants when applying to a professional school.


Pre-Health program for New College students pursuing careers in healthcare and medicine, 包括预审核, Pre-Dental, 医学预科, 和Pre-Pharmaceutical.


法律系的 program for New College students pursuing legal careers.

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